Leftover leg of lamb with raspberry vinaigrette, carrots roasted with maple syrup and ginger, and a sweet potato with orange garlic sauce and butter. I don't have a recipe because my mom had made it from scratch and it was sitting in the fridge, because life at my parents' house is good like that.

Omelette with Asian-inspired mix of microgreens, smoked salmon, beets with balsamic, and roasted asparagus.
Cooked chicken pulled off the carcass, a small handful of raisins, baby chard, and mayonnaise.
In the past 2+ years, I can count on one (maybe two) hands how many times I've "paleo baked." No matter what, it doesn't make me feel good. That doesn't stop me from trying once and a while, and these sure did taste good. I used this cupcake recipe and for the frosting, I just mixed a package of unsalted Kerrygold butter, a half cup of honey, a teaspoon of vanilla, a half cup of coconut milk, and two tablespoons of chocolate. Not bad for winging it!
On my last night at home, I made pork spareribs with carrots, yellow squash, and onions. This was quite a big meal, especially since I didn't photograph the purple sweet potato.
On my last morning, I had a ham, asparagus, and spinach omelette with duck prosciutto on the side. Served with some hibiscus kombucha.
Not too attractive but on my first night back in my apartment, I made spaghetti squash and topped it with smoked clams and had a side of cumin-roasted cauliflower.
A super fast lunch after 4pm on Saturday was two grass-fed hotdogs, dill sauerkraut, and horseradish mustard. I've never really noticed nightshade spices in hotdogs to bother me (since I eat them only a few times a year), but this time they may be causing some pain. I'm not too sure. I also tried to trial white potatoes early in the week. They were twice-baked, organic, and peeled. Unfortunately, the next day, the dogs did something stupid while I was holding on to them, and my shoulder luxated. Who's to say it wouldn't have if I hadn't eaten the potatoes? Although I'm having a hard time remembering the last time that happened and it may actually have been before my diet upheaval. So there's a strike against white potatoes. It'll have to be a while before I try again, because my shoulder still doesn't feel right.

Dinner is served.
And the batch cooking recommences.... Beef spareribs with lots of garlic, rosemary, and carrots. They got a little dry but I was trying to do too much with the one oven.
Lots of cinnamon-y butternut squash with lard for breakfasts this week.
A simple Sunday morning affair: pork jowl bacon cooked with spinach, topped with scrambled eggs cooked with herbs de Provence and garlic.
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